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Saturday, July 3, 2021

What NSMC; Used To Be; But Is No More.

National Street Machine Club is car club for life time members. This club determines who is selected into this club by invitation. They do this finding members interested in cars. Usually, by subscribing; to car magazines puts you inline to be selected.You pay the lifetime dues and you get a club box of a simple items for joining their club along keys chain with their name on it with stickers.There also your official National Street Machines Club Jacket Heavy Black Leather and mine is red and gold logo. Then you get free stuff every month for cars. All you are required to do is pay shipping if you want this stuff.The products are different. They have pictures of cars by club members, videos ,books and more. As a lifetime member you get four special issues small to "Popular Hot Rodding". They did give out club cards for your wallet ,I would check if they still do. I do know if you have a club card you have to pay dues on the card so you can get discounts at car shows. They contests and a segment call "Bench  Work" for tips on cars and products.http://www.streetmachineclub.com/ (Will not work anymore)
                Nation Street Machine Club; had many cool books; but was pulled; for defrauding people.
                There is a club' of those who went through this ordeal. Maybe, you can find; some of their cool books; they published.
                 eBay has many of them; yet I only want the custom car books; I'll leave the rest.